Inlays & Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are a form of indirect restoration, which means they are made outside of the mouth as a single, solid piece that fits the specific size and shape of the cavity, and then cemented in place in the tooth.

We speak of Inlay when the cavity to be filled is inside the tooth and Onlay when the cavity involves one or more walls.

The Onlay reconstructs the tip and the top of the tooth, i.e. it’s the visible part.

The Inlay helps to reconstruct the internal part of the tooth, the invisible part.


Typically, an Inlay or Onlay procedure is completed in two dental visits.

First session: the tooth is cleaned and the cavity that will accommodate the inlay or onlay is then prepared. A dental impression is then made and sent to the laboratory with the shade references. The inlay or onlay will be made as a single piece that fits perfectly into the cavity like a piece of a puzzle.

Second session: The inlay or onlay is placed and cemented in the tooth cavity. Unlike conventional fillings, inlays or onlays do not put pressure on the remaining dental walls (no risk of fracture). New techniques allow the development of
invisible inlays, resistant and impermeable to bacteria.